Our Story
Every day, 178 residents of Los Angeles County celebrate their 65th birthday, for a total of 65,000 new senior citizens a year. Each day, more and more seniors are faced with the problems associated with aging. Due to the increasing demand for a reliable senior day care center, Silver Strand Care was established. Our company is designed to help the elderly and disabled of San Fernando Valley and the surrounding communities with the care and assistance they require.
Our Mission
Silver Strand Care seeks to expand health care and human services to meet the growing needs of the frail and elderly population, Alzheimer’s victims, the mentally ill and chronically ill, and the developmentally disabled population of the San Fernando Valley.

This population is classified by traditional and fragmented health care systems as high risk and high cost. Consequently, this target population is a priority for public, private, and public/private health care providers to develop truly cost-efficient and cost-effective care.
Our Vision
It is our vision:
- To grow a health care enterprise that is flexible and alert to the constant changes and trends in the health care industry.
- To respond to the growing needs of a growing segment of the community.
- To meet escalating health demands of California against dwindling resources. In doing this, Silver Strand Care will establish a socio-medical day treatment facility that provides the tri-component care management system of health care to the frail, chronically ill and elderly. This care includes: Basic supervised assistive care services, transportation, supplementary meals and health care services provided by the professional multidisciplinary team.
If you wish to join our adult day care community, we encourage you to do so. With us, you are sure to experience support, camaraderie, and peace.